Friday, December 12, 2008

Apoligize to all my readers

I wish to apologize to now to anyone that had been reading and or looking at my blog as I have not updated it in over three years. I had some very serious health problems and also some deaths in my family that were very devastating to me and I was simply way to involved in keeping just up with the daily tasks of living and really had no time for any thing else.

But now I seem to have most of it fixed and I'm going to be back up and running as fast as I can and in as full of force as I can. I also wanted you all to know that the space here on Google is pretty limited and so I wont be building a very large site as of yet but it is coming and also I need to wait for some time yet until I can afford all the legal jargon for a full blown web site as I intend to eventually make it into a membership site and sell products there as well as teach and train and have available for download video audio and digital products.

So please bear with me through this time and it will be a very nice site I promise. In the mean time please enjoy the limited site here and my blog on Google.

Thanks, Harold Yearout

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